Why I'm about to start again!
Because after a long time of enjoying myself not having to type anything into a blog and enjoying my life as it passes by (more or less) I picked up a philosophy book today and it irritated me that no one has given answers that I have thought of! Okay, that wasn't for me to sound clever. That was the shock that there was no mention of anything even close to my ideas and several arguments given to defend the views and beliefs that I hold were, sacrificing prudence here, PATHETIC!
I was insulted that morons could snipe such beautiful concepts because they were a bunch of jaded and angry people who could think of nothing to do with their life and fueled by all this emotion from nowhere. And I was insulted further morons did not think about what they were doing or standing up for!
Granted, no one can understand everything. And you don't have to understand something to believe in it (a concept I am still trying to tangle with) And okay, not all the writers submitted works without any points whatsoever. There were some good points raised. But the book was so one sided!!!
Okay, what's the real reason I'm pissed? It was a university reading booklet - God, Morality and Ethics or something like that. Each topic had two articles, one written by an atheist and one written by a theist. Basically all I read was - Atheist: there's a lot of bullshit we don't understand and since we're miserable and our lives aren't great like the Mc Donald ads paint how heaven ought to be, there can be no God. Theist: We can't say bullshit cos we are too holy, but yeah God works in mysterious ways, we can't come up with a good theory combining everything and we'll apologise so that we look like we know we are wrong and give you a foolish smile like we're going to do said stupid thing anyway.
What kind of stupid, lopsided, jaded, excuse to poke fun at religious people is this crap we are teaching what are meant to be the future leading generation? Sigh...
So. As an effort to fight stupidity. As an effort to contribute to the equation that is summation of human knowledge, I have decided I will try type upon some of these topics. Maybe I don't know much, and I'll look like an idiot. But, so what? I wouldn't be the first.
Here we go...
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