Symphony of Ash

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Problem of Evil

This is a real interesting topic to start off with. It is probably, the most heated theological debate and cycles and works upon several other debated topics and opinions. So maybe not the most basic place to start, but maybe the best.

Ok. What is the problem with God? Evil exists. Oh dear...

Let me rant first. Some atheist once said he saw a poster of children dying in Somalia from drought and famine and his heart broke and he said, THERE IS NO GOD! Great job. Good advertistment from the donation efforts of the world. Right, anyway, so where did this great invocation come from? And - what did he do about it?

Where did all this emotion come from? Was he ever in Africa? Did any of his family members die tragically? Was he just a very sensitive man? No, no, no, maybe. Maybe he was a sensitive man. And knowledge of people suffering really tore his heart. Maybe we can answer that with the next question.

What did he do about it? Became atheist. Wrote a lot of books against God. Lectured here and there and had some famous debates... hmmm... well I'm sure all that helped alleviate the situation in Africa.

For all the moral relativists out there, if a Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/another Atheist, had looked at the picture and said for my God/karma/goodness/fellowship of man I will aid these poor suffering people, would they not have done much better? Would it not have spoken volumes more about what they believed in and why...

Unfortunately, most people writing these books and dialogue are of the former kind. What I like to term the "Emotion from Nowhere" kind.

I am not the charity kind of person. To be perfectly frank, I don't entirely believe in charity. I give freely when asked (sometimes as many of my friends will tell you too freely and needlessly). But I don't actually believe charities tackle the root of the problem. For each individual charity helps I acknowledge that is a good deed. But the problem remains. Charities do not end droughts, charities do not create jobs and charities do not get rid of human meanness.

However, I am not an emotion from nowhere person. I just get angry at people who are. As was expressed many times through the book.

Child in africa rolls in its sleep into a fire. God's fault, he didn't make us fireproof.

The defence? Oh he had a purpose! God surely had a purpose?


erm... we don't know...maybe...err... yeah....................BUT he had a purpose! -_-

someone please shoot me in the head...

And ever notice it's always these sensational kind of topics they love? Drought! Famine! War! Some famous celeb! But simple things right in front of our eyes - one out of six people are major depressive, think about that. Among all your friends, if you had thirty - 5 are majorly depressed. The divorce rate in America is approaching one out of two - that is an insanely exotic number! The amount of distress that is caused - baffling. There are homeless people right round the corner. People are overworked, stressed, few people get to do what they want with their lives (unless you come from a happy Western country and your uni, medical bills etc are all payed for and even then you may not be that lucky) Blah blah blah blah... the Philosopher's never talk about that!

So, this is my take on the matter. The fundamental problem with this discussion should be very obviously glaring - No one knows what God is like!

People against make the mistake thinking that their morals and standards are the right ones. I will discuss in a moment how a baby rolling into a fire could be anything other than evil. But yes, because we say it should not be so, God is wrong. Please remove him from existence.

People for make the mistake of not considering what God is like. My God is all benevolent and all loving and all knowing and all powerful and rolls babies into fires.

Guys, guys! Time out! What may God actually think?
For one life isn't meant to be played out like a Mc Donald's Happy Meal ad.
Life isn't really meant to be lived merely for the Mc Donald's feeling either.
Which is what most of these philosophers like to argue for. My life ain't perfect. Let's sue God (a very widespread concept now due to America's litigatious society)
Life gets really really miserable if all you want is that Mc Donald's feeling - I'm glad that many portions of society are actually shaking awake from that.

So, wait. God isn't very big on the continuous enjoyment thing then? What is he big on? ... Well what does Buddha say being one of the contenders for Top Dog. Life is Suffering the first tenet of Buddhism. Look around you. He was right. God is big on suffering??? Not quite that either.

God is big on... Living! God measures effort and work and achievement. God measures acts of love and acts with meaning. So - a baby rolls into a fire. Who is to blame? God (if there was anyone to blame and assuming he exists) What would we like to happen and why won't it happen and what God hopes will happen.

(a) Pain. The baby screams in pain. Anyone normal would cringe and the sound of that. Would you rather God took away the pain sensation and never called for help? Let the baby lie there till its charred black to be found later? Maybe you say, considering the life the child is in for.

(b) Life of the child. This is the debating point. The child is not going to lead a terrific life. Unable to go out and socialise, unable to perform many many functions, probably shunned by the society as some demonised horror and etc. What kind of God allows that?
I argue that most of the suffering is human induced. A family can learn to live with her support her. Many families do. Children who are autistic, bedridden members, etc a whole slew of people. People can befriend a burnt child, a scarred child.
Instead our entire human society has been engineered to view the child as cursed, ugly, unfit for life and impediment to instant gratification.

Does God care? Well this is where it becomes my opinion. I think God does care. I think God wants the child to be able to learn that despite everything, he/she can live and can do something worthwhile. I think that God would like the child to realisehe/she can still be happy about things. I believe God can value the struggle to live. I think God also values those who help her. Every kind word, every tear wept, every selfless act.

I think God values this more than the misery that this life will encounter. Why is this man blind? the disciples asked Jesus. I don't like quoting from the bible too much. But that is essentially what we all ask. Why did she get burned? Why did she get raped? Why was he tortured to death? Why is there famine? and the disciples ask Who's sin was it? His or his parents. We no longer blame people for the tragedies that happen in their lives. But we are still looking for someone to blame. Sue God! We cry today. Sue him for mismanaging his creation. Neither of their sins but that the glory of God may be revealed! Jesus answered. If indeed God could possibly be reflected in good deeds, then yes in the burnt child's life, I believe that God can be revealed.

So this is the conclusions I surmise. God has given everyone an amount of control. You control your voice, your actions, your thoughts. These are yours and no one elses.

If you rape a girl, murder, cheat, so on. God cannot stop you. If he did he would take away what makes you you. You would just be him. If he took it away from one he might have to take it away from everyone. If he destroyed all those who commited sin, maybe he would have to destroy everyone. Can you see through the eyes of a God? But God sees the value in people when they support a rape victim. God sees love, and things that bind people together.
For me this is a personal experience with my mom. No, she wasn't raped, she was snatch-thieved. And once she had fallen down and had a concussion and my 3 year old baby brother was left wailing on the road. This was a terrible event. My mother is the foundation stone of my family. Without her we are apart and separate. She also earns more than half of the family income and that night she came maybe inches from death (milimetres maybe if you count it in brain swelling and bleeding terms). My father was stark raving angry. So was I and my brother. And all of us were helpless. But I remember clearly, that we had all been in one room then. An occurence rare for my family. We were then more than any other night, truly, a family. We were preparing to help each other to support each other whatever happened. What do you value? Sin and evil commited from a dangerous snatch theft? Or the binding together of a family?
Evil can be overcome with good. Trite but true. And God lets us do it. To let us know WE are strong. WE can be alive.
And never forget as stupid as it sounds. God cared as much for the idiot who stole my mom's bad as he did for my mom. As much for the rapist as the victim. The murderer as the dead. We never care about the torture they endure. We don't care. A rapist is a rapist is a rapist. Try. Can you even gain a scrap of pity for a rapist? a child molester? a serial killer? I can't. An all loving God can. If you can't do that and understand that, why are we trying to evaluate God's choices? not only do we not know enough, I think that we are not capable of ever knowing.

There that is my argument for the Existence of Evil. I don't know. But I think it is pretty strong. At least it brings it back to the same question. Do you believe in God? The system works if he exists. The system works if he doesn't. And his existence is not dependent on whatever you believe in anyway. So take that you damned Philosophical Reader Text writers!


Blogger Unknown said...

Look at you on a roll. :P It was good, though, no doubt.

I was listening to my Podcasts on the weekend; one of them was Ravi Zacharias (Indian-American apologist) speaking on the Five Questions that uni students ask about Christianity. (He was at a particular uni for a forum.) And one of those questions was this very question of "how can there be a good God if there is evil?"

His answer was quite logical and I liked it; in a lot of ways your answer also comes very close to it, so I like yours too. The logic remains pretty strong. And one of the points that everyone forgets is that God's purpose is not our purpose -- He did not make us just so that we could be perennially happy, because that is just daft and we'd all be Happy Robots then.

1:22 AM  
Blogger Ash said...

thanks for the comment XD

it's good to know someone has thought of these ideas before. If not I would be depressed!

3:46 AM  

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