Symphony of Ash

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Futitlity - The Human Engine

That's what it means to fight against patterns you will never affect. Things you can't change no matter how much you tried.

Frustrated in life is how I feel most of the time. I live in a world where few things I choose seem to be my own choices. I live in a world where as far as I see few people choose the things in their lives. We live in a world where the most important choices are made by people who don't care and who cannot be stopped.


Futility is trying to stop the rainforests from being cut down. Imagine the last rainforests of this earth. Let us not pretend. Few people who have stepped into a rainforest would actually tell you how beautiful it is. Simply because it's not. It's hot and muggy, the ground is covered with dirty mud, leeches and a thousand creepy crawlies. It is a harsh unforgiving faded green and if you got lost in it you would die pretty soon. But it's precious because there is little of it left. Imagine the countries the jungles grow in. South America, Central Africa and South East Asia are poor countries. Around the edges of the jungle live thousands upon thousands of people. They are uneducated, bitter and brutal in their will to survive. They don't know what the ozone layer is, they don't know about extinction rates, they don't know how precious their jungles are. They only know that they have a mouth to feed. And so they slash and hack and burn down the trees. The people who pay them rule these countries. They are educated. They do know what the ozone layer is, extinction rates and how precious their jungles are. But they live their lives scared that every morning when they wake up, they will awake powerless, penniless and without meaning. They have learnt through harsh systems, the iron law of strike first or be struck. If burning down the jungles lets them live, so be it.

And then all of the Western world shakes their heads and cry murder. But the US is still the largest producer of green house gases. Save the animals! Save the trees! Woe the change of weather! What are you going to do? Feed the millions of people dependent upon cutting down the jungles? House them, clothe them and give their children an education? How will you stop the thousands of blood sucking business and men and politicians? Will you announce war upon those countries and hold coups? Can you extract such an integral part of the economy without upsetting everything?

Deforestation is part of the Human Engine. If you take out a cog, the machine will break. Save the trees and animals yes good good. Are you going to save the families and lives dependent on the deforestation? Are you going to stabilise the economies of the countries the jungles live in?

That was an example of what the Human Engine is like. It plays again and again and again. Politics and corruption, crime, piracy, drugs, weapons, oil, cigarettes and alcohol. You can stop none of these things in truth without upsetting entire socio-economies. They are so ingrained within our systems that massive parts of the world are built upon these systems. It's like a tumour that keeps the body alive.

And even if you wanted to stop it, you'd find yourself playing a shadow game of ghosts and feints. Who would you be fighting? What would you be fighting? Companies? There are thousands of them. Destroy one and another will take its place. Governments? Which one? How would you stop the millions of games they play?

How can we hope to fight half the world and maybe more?
How can we hope that the world will change for the better when everyone only wishes for it to stay the same because they live of it?

We can only hope... that the world will find a way or rightening itself.


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