Back to fascination and wonder.
Now most of you realize if you ever ever ever tried to keep up with my blogs I have a catastrophic habit. I change blog site every 6 months lol.
Once again - I was sorely tempted to do so. But they say insanity is trying something again and again believing it will work. Besides it's time to try something new. Ergo, I'm not changing blog address lol although I am going to change the tone of this blog.
There was a time that (and this was my very first blog mind you) the posts were about random thoughts and philosophies. I think I enjoyed that. And I also realized I had many phantom readers. In fact the blog was actually worth something (I checked with a blog evaluation website that showed the blog was actually worth several thousand dollars). Due to some emotional catastrophe - that brought about the bad habit of changing blogs regularly - that blog was destroyed and many old thoughts and ideas. Which is a great pity! Now that I look at it. A childish act of destruction from general frustration.
Inspired by my friend's (currently more open) blog. I decided that maybe I will once again try capture that essence. I know what mattered on that blog lol. I advertised and spoke on good and interesting topics. I provided diagrams :P which were a good plus. The reason the blog failed was my incessant need for perfection, myself being the victim of emotion and my rather... dire attitude towards everything. But now the enemy is known!
So to a new year cheers! And to more interesting topics - watch this space!
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